Friday, September 6, 2013


So it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted...the last one I had lost 6 pounds which was awesome!  The week after that I lost 2 more pounds and completed the Fish Lake Relay with my relay team which was also beyond awesome :).  We had so much fun and I was in so much pain the next day but it was so worth it...worth the laughs with my teams and worth the accomplishment feeling that I had after the legs I ran.  It felt so good that I was able to complete something that I had been training for a long time to do.  So I had accomplished my goal that week of just having fun at my relay and getting ready for it.

After the relay my family and I headed up to Star Valley for a few days.  My goal here was to just not gain any weight and to keep to my carb-cycling.  I did just that!  Even with a trip to the Bar J Wranglers and their Chuck Wagon dinner and I didn't gain any weight during that whole trip which is a hard thing to do as we all know it's hard to practice self-control while on vacation and eat everything that looks beyond yummy.  So I was just happy that I stuck to what I planned on eating and got up and did my 9-minute missions on the days that they were scheduled for my exercises!

This past week my goal was to drink at least a half gallon of water everyday.  This was very hard to do but I did it and now my body definately knows and tells me if I haven't drank that much water!  This past week was also my slingshot week as it's called in my book so I had a high carb day everyday and I still didn't drop any weight but that's ok because I go back to my carb cycle next week and should drop some weight especially now that I'm adding the interval training to my exercise routine.

This next week my goal is to lose at least one pound and push myself as hard as I can during my exercises.  I tend to slack and not give it my all when I don't feel like doing them but not this week I'm going to take on those exercises head on!

I've had so much fun going on this personal transformation journey!  It has made me a bit more outgoing and not take myself so seriously.  It also has really shown me that I'm me and I don't have to try and me like anything that I don't want to be to make someone else happy and what not.  For so long I've lived in a way where I've felt so judged by people and judged myself so harshly that no matter what accomplishment I did just never felt good enough.  But I'm working on being me and being proud of it and teaching my girls the same thing.  So until next week good luck to all on your endeavors!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

6 pounds gone!

Hello everyone!

I know I'm late on getting this blog post out...I ran out of time on Friday to write it but hey at least I'm getting it out for people to read now...better late than never!

So this past week I lost 6 pounds and I'm pretty dang proud of it.  It was hard but I had a single goal that I just focused on and the result was the 6 pounds lost.  My goal was to get up and work out 5 days a week at 6:45 am.  This was hard for me because I am NOT a morning person whatsoever but I set out and accomplished my goal and now I am feeling GREAT about it.  By Friday morning I was sore and I really didn't want to get out of my bed but I'm sure glad I did because not gonna lie I would have felt like a huge failure so good thing I did!

I also also kept to my carb-cycling schedule and that also helped with losing the 6 pounds.  I really think that was what had me lose 6 pounds because before I started the carb-cycling I was eating chocolate everyday, ate a bowl of cereal everyday and ate bread like there was no tomorrow.  After those things were cut out from being everyday to moderation then I was able to lose that high number that I did and even though sticking to my carb-cycling schedule wasn't my goal for the week I still wanted to do it and I did and I felt great throughout the week with more energy which also had it so I moved more doing more things.

My next goal this week is to get ready and prepared for my relay that is coming up on Saturday.  Prepared both mentally and physically because it will be the longest I've ever run before in my life!  I'm excited to take on this challenge and to let all know how well I do next week and how much weight I lose this next week.  So until next time everyone have a happy healthy week!

Monday, August 12, 2013

New Title? What?????

So my hundred day challenge ended on the 8th of August and to be perfectly honest it didn't go how I wanted it to and I also did a terrible job at keeping this updated!  So I changed the title of my fitness blog to what it is now because I decided I was going about losing weight way totally wrong!  I hadn't realized I was going about it the wrong way until I decided to order Chris Powell's book "Choose More To Lose More".  For those who don't know who Chris Powell is and his wife Heidi I will explain.  Chris does a show on ABC called Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition where he and his wife help one overly obese person lose weight over the course of a year.  But the thing is they aren't there to just help them lose weight....they help them transform and love themselves so that no matter what failures and hiccups happen along the way (because they do happen to all of us!) it doesn't tear them down and they don't go back to the way they used to be.

So that description is pretty much a nutshell description but you get the idea.  So that's how he wrote his book.  He didn't even start telling how to lose weight until the later chapters...his first chapters explain how important it is to set achieveable goals and do only what you know before you can do so that you don't get disappointed right away from not reaching the goals you set for yourself because when you don't reach them you get discourged and usually end up quitting.  So I followed his instructions and picked one of his really easy goals to do and I started on that end first before getting into the diet and exercise part and during the week I did 15 pushups, sit ups, and squats and during that week I realized that I can do that and I did it! It gave me a huge confidence boost and now I am set on doing this for me and transforming me! I set specific goals and on my way to attaining them! I'm doing carb-cycling and the exercise routines that are set out in Chris's book! I can't wait for my first weigh in on Friday morning and I will let all who read my blog know how my week went on Friday!  Happy healthy week all!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

21 Days and Counting!

These past 2 weeks have gone quite well for me.  I feel better about myself and I seemed to handle life's daily challenges to not affect me as much as that first week of the challenge.  All of that in itself is a big accomplishment for me because since having my second child it just seemed like me stress and anxiety level got put up on high alert and never came down until I  got onto anti depressants and even then it's taken months for it to come down!  However I think with winter now gone and ALL of us being able to get outside and play and get some real vitamin D into our systems has helped tremendously bring that stress and anxiety level down.  However I do get onto that high level once in a while but I think that just comes with being a mom and feeling some days that I don't have a life. LOL.

However, I am pleased to announce that I did lose a pound over the course of the last week and it made me very happy.  I know I shouldn't judge my happiness on a scale number but I mean come on it does help my happiness to see that scale go to 164 instead of 165, and that just means I'm normal (what is normal anyway these days right?)  Not only did I lose a pound off my body but I seemed to lose a pound of my bad self-body image.  Whenever I seemed to think of myself in a not healthy way I would just say to myself "Carrie stop and remember how you got to think like that yourself and do you want your girls to grow up never being satisfied with themselves?"  Kinda corny I know but it worked!  Took huge pressure off of me to eat healthy because all of a sudden it was for my girls.  From that stemmed healthier choices and STOPPING and thinking before I grabbed something to eat.  Before I would eat something that I didn't have written down I would think to myself "Am I really hungry or am I just thirsty or upset?".  This helped tremendously with the overeating along with my written food journal which I'm not super consistent on but it does help me put my hunger feelings down on paper were I can read them and say "wow I really am full!" Kinda lame I know but hey I'm 1 pound lighter remember?

I also accomplished a huge and terrifying goal for me last night too!  See I always go running whenever I can but it's always at night because that is just how my schedule works out and I have been wanting for weeks run up the Fish Hatchery Hill.  For those who don't know what that is, it's a decent size hill that's medium steepness that leads up to the Fish Hatchery.  I don't know how long it is but by the top one is usually huffing and puffing.  So I decided to run up this hill even though it was 9:00 at night and getting pretty dark.  I grabbed my head lamp, phone, and Joey (my dog) and went off.  As I turned to start going up the hill I have my doubts about making it up all the way because as a young kid I could never make it up to the top.  I remember trying once or twice with my bike and I even tried walking up it once also but never made it because I was a bigger kid and very out of shape and was always self concious about it.  So as I started running up the hill I tell myself that if I start feeling like I'm going to completely die then I'll just run to the next post and walk.  Well the dying moment never came and I made it to the top of the hill and was just fine! It was one of those moments when you have bad memories of a place and then you accomplish something that totally wipes out how you feel about that memory, that's the expeirience I had and on the way back down I just couldn't help smiling because I felt so good about myself and I've realized how far I've come.

I'm looking forward to this summer and all the things that I'll get to do with my family and for myself.  This next weeks goals are just going to be keep working on the high stress and just to have fun!  When I'm not worrying about everything and just have fun that's when I have the most success.  Oh and I'm also going to try and lose one more pound. So until next time, always work hard and see what you can do!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

8 days in-many ups and downs

Hello readers,

Well I'm 8 days into my 100 day personal challenge and it has been a rough 8 days at that!  This past week I've expeirienced really happy and fun moments down to very discouraging sad moments.  After setting my goals of last Wednesday I am happy to report that I accomplished at least one of them!  I got out with my kids everyday and we at least did something! Of course going up to the zoo and walking around downtown Salt Lake helped quite a bit as did getting a new kitty but we have been outside playing and making up some new games pretty much everyday.  However I didn't keep to my planned diet.  We went to Sizzler and Olive Garden while we were up in Salt Lake and how can you not eat those dang breadsticks and go crazy at the salad bar? I mean come on I'm only human!  I figured I walked at least half of those calories off on Saturday because we walked EVERYWHERE!  So I figured I would get back on track when we got home but I got so discouraged at how badly I ate and how I felt that I didn't.  I've learned lately that I'm an emotional eater and it's hard to control some days with everything that comes with being a mom and making sure my mom and dad are doing fine also along with taking care of animals, church calling, making dinner etc. ya I can get a bit stressed out.  So when I get stressed out I eat very high calorie food and a lot of it if I let myself really go!  Then I get mad at myself and blah blah blah usually ends up me taking it out on my family which totally isn't fair to them.  I don't mean to sound all negative and complaining and such I'm just talking about what triggers my eating.  However today my old determination came back and I did really good eating today.  I still ate some chocolate but not gorge myself on it as I have before.  I didn't let myself feel tired or negative and it turned out to be a really good day!  I have motivation on my fridge and other motivation is my two little girls and the example I need to set for them.  As I said in my last post, this isn't totally a weight loss journey but also a growing up journey as well.

So putting this past week behind me I plan on keeping my determination and see if by the end of this next week I can be a pound lighter and seeing me as a successful person trying to get to where I want to!  I believe that is an achievable goal that will snowball into the other things that I'm trying to do such as be a less stressed mom and allow the unexpected things come and have them not totally freak me out!  Haha I tend to just let the little things get to me all the time and I can just feel myself be tight and edgy which is not a good thing with a busy summer coming up with all of our family activities and such.  So this week I'm really going to focus on taking time out and breathing and just relax my body.  I'll have to do yoga I think to really help me destress and plus I'll get the added calorie burn from doing it.  Maybe I'll have a 10 minute yoga time during the day where me and my kids can do some yoga because little kids are amazing at yoga.

So to recap I basically have three goals this week: 1.  Keep my determination on exercising as hard as I can and eating as clean as I can to lose that pound.  2.  When I feel myself get edgy I need to stop and relax to refocus on whatever is going on at the time.  3.  Start having a 10 minute yoga time with my kids so that we can all reap the benefits of yoga and have fun together.

Those goals are totally doable and I'm excited to report back next week to tell everyone who reads how I did.  I know that there won't be perfect days but hey being perfect isn't usually fun anyway.  So until next time find something in your life that you want to change to be a healthier you!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 1 Of This Journey....

I am not one to do well on "diets" so I try and not think about it as a "diet".  However I am sick of the way I look and feel at this moment of time so I am going to do something about it.  I'm not doing this blog as a weight loss blog but hopefully more as a lifestyle change blog to bring me more happiness, less stress, and hopefully some weight loss :).  I wanted to track and tell my journey because I think that a lot of my friends out there may be able to relate to what I'm going through and it just may be something enjoyable to read.  However word of caution I am not great a great writer of anything and yes I do have the country punctuation down to a "T"!  So if you can put all of that aside then this blog may be something to enjoy!

I start my journey weighing in at about 165 lbs., 2 kids with ages 1 and 3, going off of anti-depressants, and an afternoon craving and giving into anything chocolate or baked! Heh sound familiar?  I think what's most depressing about my weight is that after my second child was born I got down to 145 pretty quickly and then as soon as I went onto my anti-depressants it all came back in a matter of months!  How lame is that?  Furthermore I was craving things that I hadn't craved in a long time!  So I think for this first week's goals I'm going to work on those afternoon cravings.  Don't think that I deny myself of indulgences because that is one surefire way of going off your diet but I don't have to give in everyday.  I know how strong I am and I know I can beat those cravings and probably have something way tastier and healthier for me and have more of it! Plus healthier food will get me through my killer workout class tonight.  However more motivation than not consuming empty calories is the example I'll be setting for my children.  To show them that mom reaches for fruits, veggies, or yogurt instead of chocolate or cookies (even though they are yummy!).  To me that example and with how the world today is going with childhood obesity is worth forgoing what I crave to what I really want and to show them what is really better.

Another goal I have planned for this next week is to play a game outside everyday with my children that can involve both of them!  This will take some planning but it will be fun for sure! Not only will this take away stress and me feeling like I'm always yelling at them and what not but we'll get to laugh together and exercise together! How great is that?  I have to tell ya that my family and I went hiking at Zions about a month ago and that was the funnest thing ever and I discovered that my little 3 year old is a better hiker than I am!  Not only that but my little 1 year old gave me added exercise because I was carrying her on my back and the joy she had on her face to be doing something that everyone else was doing!  Absolutely no money could ever buy that kind of joy and we created a great family memory that day.

With fresh new motivation I'm ready to start this journey of mine but I know how quickly that motivation will fade as the week goes on.  However it is extremely important for me to have a healthy family and to show my girls how to live a healthy life because if I don't show them then who will?  The world out there sure isn't healthy and it isn't getting any healthier it seems.  Besides after going through what I did as an overweight child and teen I don't wish that upon anybody's children...especially my own!  The emotional damage of what I did and what was said to me is still being carried by my today but that is another post all in its own...which I assure you will come and it will be brutally honest!  Until then my kids are awake and calling me and I need to get them fueled for the day with breakfast! So until next time, stop and choose the healthy choice that is available to you and your family!