Friday, September 6, 2013


So it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted...the last one I had lost 6 pounds which was awesome!  The week after that I lost 2 more pounds and completed the Fish Lake Relay with my relay team which was also beyond awesome :).  We had so much fun and I was in so much pain the next day but it was so worth it...worth the laughs with my teams and worth the accomplishment feeling that I had after the legs I ran.  It felt so good that I was able to complete something that I had been training for a long time to do.  So I had accomplished my goal that week of just having fun at my relay and getting ready for it.

After the relay my family and I headed up to Star Valley for a few days.  My goal here was to just not gain any weight and to keep to my carb-cycling.  I did just that!  Even with a trip to the Bar J Wranglers and their Chuck Wagon dinner and I didn't gain any weight during that whole trip which is a hard thing to do as we all know it's hard to practice self-control while on vacation and eat everything that looks beyond yummy.  So I was just happy that I stuck to what I planned on eating and got up and did my 9-minute missions on the days that they were scheduled for my exercises!

This past week my goal was to drink at least a half gallon of water everyday.  This was very hard to do but I did it and now my body definately knows and tells me if I haven't drank that much water!  This past week was also my slingshot week as it's called in my book so I had a high carb day everyday and I still didn't drop any weight but that's ok because I go back to my carb cycle next week and should drop some weight especially now that I'm adding the interval training to my exercise routine.

This next week my goal is to lose at least one pound and push myself as hard as I can during my exercises.  I tend to slack and not give it my all when I don't feel like doing them but not this week I'm going to take on those exercises head on!

I've had so much fun going on this personal transformation journey!  It has made me a bit more outgoing and not take myself so seriously.  It also has really shown me that I'm me and I don't have to try and me like anything that I don't want to be to make someone else happy and what not.  For so long I've lived in a way where I've felt so judged by people and judged myself so harshly that no matter what accomplishment I did just never felt good enough.  But I'm working on being me and being proud of it and teaching my girls the same thing.  So until next week good luck to all on your endeavors!

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