Monday, August 12, 2013

New Title? What?????

So my hundred day challenge ended on the 8th of August and to be perfectly honest it didn't go how I wanted it to and I also did a terrible job at keeping this updated!  So I changed the title of my fitness blog to what it is now because I decided I was going about losing weight way totally wrong!  I hadn't realized I was going about it the wrong way until I decided to order Chris Powell's book "Choose More To Lose More".  For those who don't know who Chris Powell is and his wife Heidi I will explain.  Chris does a show on ABC called Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition where he and his wife help one overly obese person lose weight over the course of a year.  But the thing is they aren't there to just help them lose weight....they help them transform and love themselves so that no matter what failures and hiccups happen along the way (because they do happen to all of us!) it doesn't tear them down and they don't go back to the way they used to be.

So that description is pretty much a nutshell description but you get the idea.  So that's how he wrote his book.  He didn't even start telling how to lose weight until the later chapters...his first chapters explain how important it is to set achieveable goals and do only what you know before you can do so that you don't get disappointed right away from not reaching the goals you set for yourself because when you don't reach them you get discourged and usually end up quitting.  So I followed his instructions and picked one of his really easy goals to do and I started on that end first before getting into the diet and exercise part and during the week I did 15 pushups, sit ups, and squats and during that week I realized that I can do that and I did it! It gave me a huge confidence boost and now I am set on doing this for me and transforming me! I set specific goals and on my way to attaining them! I'm doing carb-cycling and the exercise routines that are set out in Chris's book! I can't wait for my first weigh in on Friday morning and I will let all who read my blog know how my week went on Friday!  Happy healthy week all!

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