Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Anxiety and Stress? Who Needs That?

Stress and Anxiety....why do they have to go hand in hand and why do they have to be part of my everyday life?

Well I don't know the answer to that but for me personally it's something I'm trying to overcome just as many other people.  I'm learning time management which helps it but also makes it worse at times because if a day isn't going as it should or what not I tend to fall apart.  So along with time management I'm also learning that it's okay if I don't get everything on my list done right then and that the world won't end!  This is hard for my brain because I do like having a schedule and knowing when things are and such, however my brain is starting to accept bumps in the schedule as well.

To help change my mindset (when my schedule get's thrown off I go into stress/anxiety mode which then leads to negative self talk which isn't good for anybody) I decided to do an exercise I heard off of one my business trainings that I listened to.  I wrote down everything that I "thought" was wrong with me.  So for example: I'm ugly, I'm a terrible mom, I'm not smart, I can't lead, etc.  After I did that I then went through and wrote down the opposite on some card stock so: I'm beautiful, I'm an awesome mom, I'm smart, I can lead, etc.  Next I'll be hanging these up (probably in my room so that my beautiful 17 month old son won't tear them down :) ) and when I start to get stressed and go into that negative mindset I'll go and start walking around and saying these positive affirmations!  I've already done this once or twice and I won't lie, I felt pretty dumb but I felt better!  Plus I love the example I'm setting for my daughters and my son!

Why not give it a try?  What do you have to lose?  This was our week 3 homework in the boot camp and I haven't asked my ladies yet if they've done it, so I'll be making a note to do that lol, gotta love mom brain right?  If you give it a try and do it for a month or so let me know how it's changed you, then pay it forward and give someone else this tip that you think could use it :).  Until next time my awesome readers remember, you are worth it and we only get to live life once so don't live it stressed out and angry!

Monday, May 9, 2016

My Fear Zone

I am not the best person to keep records which has always been something I want to do better, so here I go!

Since the last blog post I have started a boot camp called Empower8 Boot Camp.  In the boot camp I try and help those in it to see themselves as strong, beautiful women who have so much potential.  I try and help see past numbers on the scale or pants sizes and let them see that everyone's healthy is completely different!  One way I try and help is in the folder they receive are "homework" assignments to help them reflect during the week and those that have taken my class more than once and have actually done them have said that it helps them a lot!  This most recent round I decided to do them with my ladies and of course I let life get in the way and got behind.  However, I'm now going to get caught up and really try and set aside just 15 minutes each week to accomplish them.

The first two is dealing with fears...we first write them down and then see what one's we don't have control over and what ones we do have control over.  We let go of the one's we don't have control over and focus on getting control back on the one's we do have control of.  Here is the list of my fears:

1- Failing my clients:  Either my Beachbody clients or my Boot Camp clients I'm always worried that I'm not doing enough.  That I'm not providing them with enough support or tools to help them reach their goals, especially if they drop out of my Boot Camp or an at home program.  I always put 110% into all that I do for others but I have to realize that they may all not be ready.  I'm learning to not take this one personally and honestly I don't have control of what people do!  All I can do is be there for them when they are ready and to ALWAYS be their friend no matter what.  I've started focusing on being their friend and supporting them in whatever they're doing-that is how I'm handling this uncontrollable fear.

2-Failing my family:  During this past year I've really been pushing to build 2 business'.  A Beachbody and the Boot Camp.  They are separate but still go hand in hand and in the middle of all that I'm also a wife, mother, primary teacher, and animal mom.  Business building takes A LOT of time, which makes it hard on the family.  I'm scared that my kids will feel abandoned, that all of my family will just get so fed up with how the house gets (it gets neglected at times), and I'm worried my animals will feel abandoned.  I feel like I can control this fear because I can set business hours for when I'm working and when I need to be wife/mom.  I've been trying a lot of different ways to do this and feel like I'm almost there...just still needs a few more tweaks to get it just right. Then summer will hit and I'll have to start all over again lol.  I do know though that my family does support me in all that I'm doing and that I am doing my very best to "do it all", I just have to remind myself of that as well.

3-Not building and maintaining relationships with family and friends:  Relationships have always been hard for me.  Growing up I didn't have a great relationship with my parents or siblings which in turn has made it hard for me to let others get to know me.  I've been really trying this past year especially to be open and out there, especially for my kids.  I DO NOT want them to grow up feeling like they don't have a cheerleader or someone who will listen no matter what they did.  I do have a short temper BUT I have told them and will always tell them that if they ever need to talk to me about anything to let me know.  A lot of personal development in this department is in store for me but I'm bound and determined to have awesome relationships with everyone I help or will have the pleasure of helping and most of all my husband, kids, and God.  This fear I can control what I do on my end of the relationship but I need to let go of what happens with the other person because happiness starts with me and NOT someone else.

These are the first two weeks worth of "homework" that we've done as a boot camp class.  I encourage all who read this to do the same!  I'm planning on working on week 3 later today so I can post about it tomorrow.  Until then though my readers, know that you are beautiful, strong and important...there is no one out there that is like you so be the best you possible :).