Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 1 Of This Journey....

I am not one to do well on "diets" so I try and not think about it as a "diet".  However I am sick of the way I look and feel at this moment of time so I am going to do something about it.  I'm not doing this blog as a weight loss blog but hopefully more as a lifestyle change blog to bring me more happiness, less stress, and hopefully some weight loss :).  I wanted to track and tell my journey because I think that a lot of my friends out there may be able to relate to what I'm going through and it just may be something enjoyable to read.  However word of caution I am not great a great writer of anything and yes I do have the country punctuation down to a "T"!  So if you can put all of that aside then this blog may be something to enjoy!

I start my journey weighing in at about 165 lbs., 2 kids with ages 1 and 3, going off of anti-depressants, and an afternoon craving and giving into anything chocolate or baked! Heh sound familiar?  I think what's most depressing about my weight is that after my second child was born I got down to 145 pretty quickly and then as soon as I went onto my anti-depressants it all came back in a matter of months!  How lame is that?  Furthermore I was craving things that I hadn't craved in a long time!  So I think for this first week's goals I'm going to work on those afternoon cravings.  Don't think that I deny myself of indulgences because that is one surefire way of going off your diet but I don't have to give in everyday.  I know how strong I am and I know I can beat those cravings and probably have something way tastier and healthier for me and have more of it! Plus healthier food will get me through my killer workout class tonight.  However more motivation than not consuming empty calories is the example I'll be setting for my children.  To show them that mom reaches for fruits, veggies, or yogurt instead of chocolate or cookies (even though they are yummy!).  To me that example and with how the world today is going with childhood obesity is worth forgoing what I crave to what I really want and to show them what is really better.

Another goal I have planned for this next week is to play a game outside everyday with my children that can involve both of them!  This will take some planning but it will be fun for sure! Not only will this take away stress and me feeling like I'm always yelling at them and what not but we'll get to laugh together and exercise together! How great is that?  I have to tell ya that my family and I went hiking at Zions about a month ago and that was the funnest thing ever and I discovered that my little 3 year old is a better hiker than I am!  Not only that but my little 1 year old gave me added exercise because I was carrying her on my back and the joy she had on her face to be doing something that everyone else was doing!  Absolutely no money could ever buy that kind of joy and we created a great family memory that day.

With fresh new motivation I'm ready to start this journey of mine but I know how quickly that motivation will fade as the week goes on.  However it is extremely important for me to have a healthy family and to show my girls how to live a healthy life because if I don't show them then who will?  The world out there sure isn't healthy and it isn't getting any healthier it seems.  Besides after going through what I did as an overweight child and teen I don't wish that upon anybody's children...especially my own!  The emotional damage of what I did and what was said to me is still being carried by my today but that is another post all in its own...which I assure you will come and it will be brutally honest!  Until then my kids are awake and calling me and I need to get them fueled for the day with breakfast! So until next time, stop and choose the healthy choice that is available to you and your family!

1 comment:

  1. This is great Carrie! You are so inspirational. Keep up the good work and I promise I will keep reading. I know what it is like to gain weight because of medication. It just stinks! Good luck in your journey.
