Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Anxiety and Stress? Who Needs That?

Stress and Anxiety....why do they have to go hand in hand and why do they have to be part of my everyday life?

Well I don't know the answer to that but for me personally it's something I'm trying to overcome just as many other people.  I'm learning time management which helps it but also makes it worse at times because if a day isn't going as it should or what not I tend to fall apart.  So along with time management I'm also learning that it's okay if I don't get everything on my list done right then and that the world won't end!  This is hard for my brain because I do like having a schedule and knowing when things are and such, however my brain is starting to accept bumps in the schedule as well.

To help change my mindset (when my schedule get's thrown off I go into stress/anxiety mode which then leads to negative self talk which isn't good for anybody) I decided to do an exercise I heard off of one my business trainings that I listened to.  I wrote down everything that I "thought" was wrong with me.  So for example: I'm ugly, I'm a terrible mom, I'm not smart, I can't lead, etc.  After I did that I then went through and wrote down the opposite on some card stock so: I'm beautiful, I'm an awesome mom, I'm smart, I can lead, etc.  Next I'll be hanging these up (probably in my room so that my beautiful 17 month old son won't tear them down :) ) and when I start to get stressed and go into that negative mindset I'll go and start walking around and saying these positive affirmations!  I've already done this once or twice and I won't lie, I felt pretty dumb but I felt better!  Plus I love the example I'm setting for my daughters and my son!

Why not give it a try?  What do you have to lose?  This was our week 3 homework in the boot camp and I haven't asked my ladies yet if they've done it, so I'll be making a note to do that lol, gotta love mom brain right?  If you give it a try and do it for a month or so let me know how it's changed you, then pay it forward and give someone else this tip that you think could use it :).  Until next time my awesome readers remember, you are worth it and we only get to live life once so don't live it stressed out and angry!

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